Price NT$3,000Night

平日(星期日~星期五):台幣3000元 ( 兩人,每多一人加400元 )
假日(星期六及國定假日前一晚):台幣3800元  ( 兩人,每多一人加400元 )

附贈早餐:供應時間08:30~11:00請持早餐券至山海觀茶坊用餐 無法外帶 逾時不候




為了您的權益,訂房前請點此 >>詳閱住房須知

訂房請填下方表格,或於10:00~22:00間電話 0972-887-200

    姓名 Your Name (required)

    電子郵件 Your Email (required)

    入住日期 Check-in Date (required)

    退房日期 Check-out Date (required)

    人數(包括兒童)How many people including children(required)

    五歲以下小孩人數 How many children under 5 yrs old (optional)

    房間數 How many rooms (required)

    房型 Room Type

    手機號碼 Your phone number

    or 電話訂房請於10:00~21:00間 Book by Phone +886 972 887 200

    We don't have pick-up service, and taxis can not come inside the old street to our front door. You'll have to walk along the Jishan street about 15 minutes to our guesthouse. we are in the mountains, so you might see insects, frogs or squirrels on the way to your room. Our rooms are all on the 3rd and 4th floor without elevator.  You’ll have to carry your own luggage to your room. So if you are afraid of these creatures, or if you have heavy luggage or elderly companion who is not able to climb stairs, please consider this situation before booking the room.民宿人手不足,沒有接送或行李載運服務, 我們位於老街內,私家汽車或計程車都無法開進老街到民宿門口,也無提供車位, 旅客必須自行到民宿,自老街口步行到民宿約10~20分鐘, 民宿在山上,難避免會看見飛蛾、昆蟲等, 客房都在3樓和4樓,沒有電梯,您需要自己提行李上樓 若您同行有老人或小孩,或是您的行李很多,請先了解評估這些狀況後再行訂房!


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    NT$3,000 NT$3,000 NT$3,000 NT$3,000 NT$3,000 NT$3,000 NT$3,800