
(距民宿步行約1分鐘) 五番坑為距離山海觀民宿最近的礦坑,開鑿於1927年,民國六十年全面停止開採後因安全問題而封閉。現將坑前整修成一個小廣場為五番坑公園,可供民眾休憩。

The Fifth Tunnel

(1 minute walk from the hotel) The Fifth Tunnel was dug for mining in 1927 and closed in 1971. It is the closest historical site to Jiufen ShanHaiGuan Hotel.


(距民宿步行約1.5分鐘) 釘畫是一種很特別的藝術創作,運用各種易開罐、鐵罐上印刷的色彩拼製成畫。 作者胡老師即是九份在地藝術家,1997年開始以九份為主題創作一系列的作品,有興趣的朋友可以點進他網站 http://www.darfar.com.tw/index.htm了解更多。

The Studio of Metal Mosaic Artist Da-hua Hu

(1.5 minutes walk from the hotel) Da-hua Hu is a local artist in Jiufen. He started making metal mosaic on any themes since 1995 and officially engaged in a serial work based on Jiufen after 1997. To create his special art works, he uses hammers and scissors as his pens and brushes, and the patterns on metal cans as the colors of his works.


(距民宿步行約5分鐘) 頌德公園位於輕便路上,公園內有黃金盛產時期地方鄉紳立的石碑,為歌頌台陽礦物事務所創辦人顏雲年熱心公益、樂善好施,因而得名”頌德公園”。夜間來此景點可看到九份山城夜景,燈火通明、金光閃閃的山城之美,是個拍夜景的好地點。

SongDe Park

(5 minutes walk from the hotel) A great spot for seeing the view of Jiufen village at night.


(距民宿步行約5分鐘,在頌德公園內) 在頌德公園內有一條石階山路可通往侯硐,是舊時聚落居民往來的通道。自山海觀民宿可望見山坡上的一個小涼亭,就是位於此道上。過了涼亭後的山路有一大段是木棧道階梯,因多雨的九份讓木柱上長了青苔,遊客們行走時要特別留意,當心別滑倒。這裡也是店犬包子的私房散步點,若大家在這看到一隻狂奔的哈士奇請別慌張,她小妮子狀似猛犬卻只是愛玩耍,不會咬人啦!

XiaoCuKeng Historical Trail

(5 minutes walk from the hotel, in SongDe Park) It was the road that people took from Jiufen to Houtong in the old days. The small pavilion that you can see on the hill from ShanHaiGuan Hotel is on this trail.


(距民宿步行約6分鐘) 磅坑口是輕便路進出九份的入口,也是輕便隧道的遺址,曾設有流籠通往瑞芳,看過宮崎駿動畫電影”神隱少女”(千與千尋)的朋友,應該會覺得這個坑口和片中的山洞很相似。坑內終年涼爽,夏季常有鄰居婆婆們在坑口乘涼聊天。


(6 minutes walk from the hotel) BongKangKao is a remain of CingBian Tunnel. There was a ropeway to RuiFang in the old times. People who are familiar with Japanese anime fantasy film “Spirited Away” (Sen and Chihiro's Spiriting Away) often think BongKangKao looks just like the cave that Chihiro and her parents saw in the movie.


(距民宿步行約7分鐘) 過了磅坑口後一分鐘就能看到琉瑯頭觀光步道。琉瑯路原為瑞芳到九份的主要山路,名為琉瑯是源自於以前這條路設有「流籠」,用以運輸物品與人,靠近九份的地方稱為流籠頭,終點則稱為流籠腳(今琉瑯腳,位於瑞芳要上九份的上山路口附近)。步道沿途的生態極好,常見松鼠在枝頭間跳躍、老鷹空中盤旋,杜鵑花開的季節甚是美麗,在步道上可以看到九份山城、茶壺山及無敵海景和基隆嶼。

LiuLangTou Sightseeing Trail

(7 minutes walk from the hotel) Go along the road through BongKangKao for 1 minute and you’ll see this trail. It is named “LiuLangTou” because it was the beginning of the ropeway that was used to transport goods from RuiFang to Jiufen. “LiuLang” means “ropeway” and “Tou” means “the beginning”. This trail is a wonderful place for a nice walk. Apart from the beautiful view, you can often see eagles flying around and squirrels jumping from tree to tree.


(距民宿步行約4分鐘) 豎崎路為一條石階路,貫穿整個九份聚落,由下往上縱向串聯汽車路、輕便路、基山街至崙頂路,可分為三個段落: 汽車路九份派出所至輕便路中會經過彭園,彭園是為紀念彭慶火醫師而保留設立,彭醫師在九份行醫直到77歲去世,後人為紀念他於是將行館保留紀念,也就是現在的彭園,後有一個大樹涼亭可以歇息,順便參觀相當具特色之日式建築。 輕便路至基山街為最熱鬧的段落,著名的昇平戲院和茶藝館阿妹茶樓都在此段。 基山街至九份國小崙頂路的段落有著名的阿柑姨芋圓和特色小店-印象九份(手工絹印)。

ShuCi Road

(6 minutes walk from the hotel) As you can see in the map from our website, ShuCi Road is a long stairway. Tourists love to take pictures of red lanterns hung along this road. ShengPing Theater, the famous A-mei teahouse, and famous dessert A-GanYi taro ball are all on this road.


(距民宿步行約6分鐘) 昇平戲院位於豎崎路與輕便道的交叉口,建於日據時代,原為木造戲臺,後來遇到一次的強烈颱風,被吹倒了,後來才改為水泥空心磚與木結構屋頂,一直保留到今天。在繁華的淘金期,這兒曾是台灣北部第一家戲院,每逢戲院入場或散場時,豎崎路石階上的木屐聲此起彼落、不絕於耳,廣場上人聲嘈雜,通宵達旦。因礦業沒落,九份人口外移,自1986年停業後,門前蕭瑟、昇平不再,民國99年(2010)10月,以修復及補強的模式,進行整修工程,試營運開放後,由「新北市立黃金博物館」負責相關營運管理事宜。

ShengPing Theater

(6 minutes walk from the hotel) ShengPing Theater is first built of wood and rebuilt of concrete after a serious typhoon in the Japanese Occupation time and remains till today. It was once the first and biggest theater in northern Taiwan during the mining period.






FuShan Temple

(15 minute walk from the hotel) This is an special earth god temple, known as 'the temple within a temple', originally built in the Qing dynasty, about 200 years ago.
In the gold rush period, people wanted to expend this small temple to thank the earth god for protecting and giving them good luck.
They asked the earth god if he agrees with this plan by casting the moon blocks, but the answer is 'no'.
So they came up with another proposal to built a larger structure cover the original temple. This time, the earth god agreed.
That is how this temple became so special and got its nickname 'the temple within a temple'.

Not only the architecture is worth seeing, there are a lot of cherry trees around, and you can also see the beautiful view of JinGuaShi and Yin Yang Sea from the small park of the temple.